Confounding URL typists since 2007.

Monthly Archives: July 2010

MetaWhere updates, in more detail


With Rails 3.0 RC released, I decided I’d better step up the pace on the promise I made to cover recent updates to MetaWhere and MetaSearch in more detail prior to Rails 3 final. Tonight, I’d like to spend some time on detailing the changes to MetaWhere since 0.3.3.
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Filed under Blog
Jul 26, 2010

MetaWhere 0.5.2 – Debug your SQL


I just pushed version 0.5.2 of MetaWhere after some , adding the debug_sql method. What’s the difference between debug_sql and to_sql, you ask?
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Filed under Blog
Jul 9, 2010

Uploadify and Rails 3


If you’re using Uploadify, the nifty jQuery file upload plugin — which we’ll forgive for providing all its examples in PHP (*shudder*) — there’s a good chance you followed the general pattern outlined by John Nunemaker over at RailsTips. His article describes in detail how to get Flash to play nicely with Rails sessions using Rack middleware. Unfortunately, Rails 3 requires a few minor changes to this setup.
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Filed under Blog
Jul 9, 2010